Using the 'tin' functionality in REGRID

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Using the 'tin' functionality in REGRID

Post by and460 »

Hi guys,

I have an HI image of a large part of the sky in one wavelength, and a much smaller continuum radio mosaic. The continuum mosaic is in NCP coordinates. I am trying to REGRID the HI image to the same coordinate system as the continuum mosaic. So I specified the 'tin' parameter in REGRID to be my mosaic, the 'in' parameter to be the HI image and hit go. It works beautifully, except for the fact that the HI image has now been cropped to precisely the size of the continuum mosaic. What I actually want to do is show the continuum mosaic 'in context' within a larger region of the HI image. In other words, I want the HI image in the same coordinate system as the continuum image, but with an extent say 5 times as large diameter-wise.

Does REGRID have any functionality that I missed for doing this using 'tin'? I tried to regrid the image manually using the 'desc' parameters, using project = ncp, axes = 1,2; desc=crval1,crpix1,cdelt1,naxis1,crval2,crpix2,cdelt2,naxis2. However, this gives me a completely different region of the HI image as output for some reason that I cannot fathom.

Any pointers or suggestions would be much appreciated. Header info for the continuum mosaic is below if that helps.

itemize% inp
Task: itemize
in = ./TF_low_res_image
log =
index =
format =
options =
itemize% go
Itemize: Version 1.0 02-Jun-09
naxis = 4
naxis1 = 6065
naxis2 = 5685
naxis3 = 1
naxis4 = 1
crval1 = 0.9162978573
crpix1 = 2975
cdelt1 = -2.424068589e-05
ctype1 = RA---NCP
crval2 = -0.630766355
crpix2 = 2930
cdelt2 = 2.424068589e-05
ctype2 = DEC--NCP
crval3 = 1.774429997
crpix3 = 1
cdelt3 = 0.001000020843
ctype3 = FREQ
crval4 = 1
crpix4 = 1
cdelt4 = 1
ctype4 = STOKES
cellscal = CONSTANT
epoch = 2000
obstime = 2455714.964
specsys = LSRK
vobs = 6.257137299
bmaj = 0.0003636103
bmin = 0.0001939255
bpa = -6.723837e-08
btype = intensity
bunit = JY/BEAM
ltype = channel
lstart = 1
lstep = 1
lwidth = 1
mostable (binary data, 56 elements)
niters = 1047
object = forn_100
observer = Feain
pbtype = SINGLE
telescop = ATCA
history (text data, 28927 elements)
image (real data, 34479525 elements)
mask (integer data, 1112243 elements)
Posts: 79
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:23 pm

Re: Using the 'tin' functionality in REGRID

Post by and460 »

My bad - I was using radians not degrees. Sorry!
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