Odd behaviour

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Moderator: Mark.Wieringa

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Odd behaviour

Post by StacyMader »

Using uvindex, I see the frequency configuration change every 6th scan. Looking at the configurations reported by uvindex, the zoom frequencies are slightly different, but I'm unsure what could have caused this. Has it been reported before?

17MAY17:12:32:44.9 1045-62 c 6 39941 0 1 42121
17MAY17:12:39:44.9 1934-638 c 6 39941 0 1 42841
17MAY17:12:51:24.9 1921-293 c 6 39941 0 1 46441
17MAY17:13:16:54.9 1934-638 c 6 39941 0 1 52321
17MAY17:13:30:54.9 1933-400 c 6 39941 0 1 55921
17MAY17:13:33:24.9 mms13 n 6 39941 0 3 56641
17MAY17:13:41:54.9 1933-400 c 6 39941 0 1 59521
17MAY17:13:44:24.9 mms13 n 6 39941 0 1 60241
17MAY17:13:52:54.9 1933-400 c 6 39941 0 1 63121
17MAY17:13:55:24.9 mms13 n 6 39941 0 1 63841
17MAY17:14:06:44.9 1933-400 c 6 39941 0 1 66721
17MAY17:14:09:14.9 mms13 n 6 39941 0 3 67441

Frequency Configuration 1
Channels Freq(chan=1) Increment Restfreq IFChain
2049 23.25400 -0.0010000 0.00000 GHz 1
17409 22.24200 -0.0000005 0.00000 GHz 1
2049 24.62400 -0.0010000 0.00000 GHz 2
13313 23.70050 -0.0000005 0.00000 GHz 2
5121 23.72250 -0.0000005 0.00000 GHz 2

Frequency Configuration 2
Channels Freq(chan=1) Increment Restfreq IFChain
2049 23.25400 -0.0010000 0.00000 GHz 1
17409 22.23850 -0.0000005 0.00000 GHz 1
2049 24.62400 -0.0010000 0.00000 GHz 2
13313 23.69550 -0.0000005 0.00000 GHz 2
5121 23.72150 -0.0000005 0.00000 GHz 2

Frequency Configuration 3
Channels Freq(chan=1) Increment Restfreq IFChain
2049 23.25400 -0.0010000 0.00000 GHz 1
17409 22.24150 -0.0000005 0.00000 GHz 1
2049 24.62400 -0.0010000 0.00000 GHz 2
13313 23.70000 -0.0000005 0.00000 GHz 2
5121 23.72600 -0.0000005 0.00000 GHz 2

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Joined: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:37 pm

Re: Odd behaviour

Post by Mark.Wieringa »

Hi Stacy,

Not sure if this is still an issue, but could it be that this is due to the way the cabbscheduler tries to adjust the line frequencies for zoom bands based on the observatory velocity in each direction?



PS apologies for the delay - somehow both Jamie and I got unsubscribed from some (most?) of the forum so we didn't get notified about new posts.
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