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cgcurs + fixed window

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:21 am
by Benchoc
Here is my problem:
I use a first time cgcurs with region =image(1) and options=mark ,region
so that I get an cgcurs.region file containing the coordinates of the box I define by clicking around my region of interest in the firt image of my cube.
Then I want to use cgcus on each image of my cube and make statistics in the box previouly define BUT without having to click again in each sub images
What I do is so a second call to cgcurs with
unset region unset options
cggurs options=stat,region=@cgcurs.region
but at this stage I have to re-clik on each subimage of my cube ..
is there any tip to avoid this second clicking stage and make stat on the whole box defined by cgcurs.region
I want to use cgcurs in order to get the flux density and imstat doesnt give me this information
many thanks for your help

Re: cgcurs + fixed window

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:02 pm
by ste616
Hi Benchoc,

You might try another method here.

After defining the region with cgcurs, try making a new image that consists only of this region using imsub:

imsub out=image.out region=@cgcurs.region

Then you can get the image statistics with the imhist task:

imhist in=image.out device=/xs

Try this and see if it works for you. I don't think there is any way to use cgcurs the way you wanted to do without doing the second round of clicks.

Re: cgcurs + fixed window

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:13 am
by Benchoc
Many thanks Jamie for your fast answer
unfortunately imhist does not give the flux density as output (the same for imstat)
I ve only found cgcurs giving this output which I need for computing flux ...
so I think I am forced to click a re-click and click again...